Workplace Disability Etiquette
Invisible Disabilities
Just because it is not visibly apparent does not mean that someone might not have a characteristic that impacts how they function and how they can best do their work.
In the workplace, a person with an invisible disability might benefit from an accommodation that would help them to work more effectively. Not an expense, an investment.
This, of course, is intended to be supportive, but what it actually does is deny the person the acknowledgement they need of this aspect of who they are. If they mention it, there is a reason. They need some consideration, such as a person with a repetitive strain injury who should not vigorously shake hands with you.
People with invisible disabilities are much less likely to consider themselves as having a disability. The very word "disability" evokes objects of charity and people with significant, visible differences. Worse yet, people with disabilities are objects of pity. With these kinds of expectations, it's no wonder someone would prefer not to subscribe to the term!
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