Life On Wheels: Disability Resources from Gary Karp
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Choosing A Wheelchair is a compact and concise guidebook that eases the burden of the many decisions involved in the process of getting the right chair. Written for the user, not the professional.

1. The Wheelchair Revolution

2. Large vs. Small Manufacturers

3. Who Pays for
Your Chair?

4. The Selection Process

5. Your Role

6. The Basic Choice:
Manual or Power

7. Manual Chair Decisions

8. Power Chair Decisions

9. Cushions

10. Seats and Backs

11. Footrests

12. Tires, Casters, and
Suspension Systems

13. Tilt/Recline Systems, and Positioning Systems

14. Armrests, Clothing Guards, and Accessories

Choosing A Wheelchair
A Guide for Optimal Independence

180 Pages, O'Reilly Media

Email Gary Karp

Last update:September 10, 2007
Copyright 2007, Gary Lawrence Karp

Formal photos of Gary Karp ©